Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Pr Solomon Male responds to Presiding Apostle Serwadda on Bishop Kiganda divorce & remarriage

      ARCH   P. O Box 11902, Kampala Uganda. Tel 256-772-479386 msmalearch@gmail.com       

Office: suite 309 Span House, Plot 1 Portal Avenue near Workers House, Kampala

Commissioned to equip God’s people for Freedom: come, we can accomplish this call together

24th May 2013

Presiding Apostle Dr Joseph Serwadda,


Dear Presiding Apostle Dr Serwadda,

Ref: Teaching that Matthew 19.9 permits divorce & remarriage for adultery is peddling lies

Thanks for your response to my letter to Bishop David Kiganda (copied to among others you) in respect of the subject, wherein your raised a number of issues and questions reminiscent of you getting it all wrong as usual, prompting me to respond to you on its material content as follows:

1.       On Bishop David Kiganda being your spiritual son

There is no doubt that you led Bishop David Kiganda to Christ and therefore spiritually fathered him. I hope you are aware that a child remains a child as long as a parent lives, even when he / she matures, becomes independent or even more important than the parent. That being the case then, being his spiritual father required you to oversee his spiritual direction.

2.      On your assertion ‘It seems he divorced Hadija on the advice of his new leaders. I stand to be corrected.’

It is unfortunate that you can even imagine so. Why not investigate to ascertain yet you have capacity to do so! It is important to understand that many times, parents fail to guide their children because of lack of moral authority to do so. I feel that rather than influence of ‘his new leaders’ as you assert, it your own marital background and indulgence in various issues like Imelda Namutebi’s snatching of Safina’s husband, Kula; Pr Stephen Ssozi’s remarriage; Pr Patrick Makumbi’s adultery; and sodomy accusations against Pastors Grace Kitaka, Isaac Kyobe Kiweweesi, Handle Lesley and Robert Kayanja among other church leadership scandals which diminished your moral authority to scripturally / theologically direct him.

3.      On your role in David’s divorce and remarriage

It is surprising that you were aware of David’s intentions to remarry, reached a clear agreement with him on how your involvement would be achieved and that not only had David excitedly started on the process, but given you Hadija's contact numbers and made specific appointments for the initial meetings you demanded, and accorded you opportunities to meet Cindy, Hadija and the children and compile a report which you have never released.

If true, you were ‘waiting to meet the Focus Church ministers and elders and everything was going according to plan, when suddenly’ you ‘were interrupted by the decision of a fellow minister Mr Mpawulo’ working on or not on his boss David’s orders, as a leader, you should have given the Biblical stand and guided all others whether or not the divorce and remarriage was Biblically in order. The matter didn’t require playing safe: it simply required taking a firm Biblical stand and, you chose to do the former.

There is no evidence that beside you taking pride in what you had done, you made any public statement indicating that David was Biblically out of order to remarry.

The processes you talk of can in no way replace Biblical direction unless you are using a different Bible.

Pr Stephen Senfuma and I featured so clearly even in Saturday Vision Intimate Magazine of 2 March 2013 opposing the remarriage. I am on record saying that any pastor who wants to divorce and remarry should convert to Islam because unlike the Bible, the Quran permits Muslims to do so. You talked of processes and a report. Should I say you ignorantly did so or deliberately did so?

When you say, ‘As far as I am concerned, that process was ONLY halted (cut short) and can be revived and at that stage, after the whole full 39 yards are covered, will I be able to ADVISE;’ I wonder if you have hope that someday the conditions you laid down will ever be met when Biblical principles can be contravened with impunity!!

4.      On your statement: ‘My contribution and assignment, as I understood, was NOT to return Nassejje to David's life, NOR was it to hinder David from pursuing a new relation, it was TO CAUSE ORDER in a disturbed environment and bring peace to murky atmosphere.’

Thanks for your admission in this statement, if I have understood you correctly, that come what may, David’s intention of notifying you about his divorce and remarriage was not for you to oppose his decision, but to endorse and give it credence even if it breached Biblical principles.

Sadly, in your e-mail response of Sat, 16 Feb 2013 18:14:57 – 0800 to his dated Feb 15, 2013, at 1:42 PM, instead of invoking the Biblical stand on divorce and remarriage, like the Pope who can make dispensations, you gave conditions which had to be met. Have you assumed powers of a pope!!

I wonder whether you really expected David to follow your conditions which had no scriptural backing to compel him back on track, when he had Matthew 19.9 interpreted to suit his interests and was in the media pushing his agenda. Even if he has a different leader, as Presiding Apostle, unless the title is just for a show, you should have given the scriptural stand on his decisions for the believers to know that what he was doing was in error.

5.      On ‘You will notice that many old friends were and still are totally silent on the matter. Don't you wonder why some people, especially leaders, were AWOL at the wedding?’

To me, Christian leadership silence and / or AWOL with silence amounts to connivance. Being AWOL at the wedding when totally silent as Biblical Principles on marriage were being breached with all impunity amounted to connivance to let the errors pass as truths. It is similar to the action of the UN Blue Helmets peace keepers who turned their backs against the road to Beirut and pointed guns down as heavily armed Israel Defense Forces passed to attack the Palestine Liberation Army bases in Lebanon which culminated into driving PLO out of Lebanon.

It is also similar to the UN troops’ stance in Rwanda which culminated into the 1994 genocide.

I hope, as Presiding Apostle who needs to be foresighted, you understand how Bishop Kiganda’s gross misinterpretation of Matthew 19.9 and subsequent pompous remarriage launched an assault on Christian marriage in the country. Many are going to invoke his remarriage as a precedent.

6.      When you say, ‘I have reason to believe that had we gone through the process, we would possibly, have seen an endorsement on the new relation. Amazingly, it seems no amount of water washes, nor blanket effectively covers a LEADERSHIP ERROR, mine or anybody else's; otherwise, Paul's charges to Timothy and Titus would be in vain.

To me, this means that your interest was not in David Kiganda’s obedience to the scriptures, but in making you important by handling matters your way, not any other person’s way.

You were about building a consensus which would make you more important than all others! Your absence (AWOL) at his wedding was therefore not about differences on Biblical interpretation on divorce and remarriage, but about not being made more important over all others: sad.

7.      When you say, ‘But that is history and David HAD seemed to have gone through it without much ado, when you resurrected the issue with a new twist, you are actually saying David broke the scriptures! Wrestling the Scriptures is a cultic tendency and borders on FALSEHOOD and sin! You are accusing David of being in SCRIPTURAL error!

To each of the above assertions I emphatically say with all certainty unless proven wrong, YES.

If you don’t see what he did in the same perspective, I pray you revisit the scriptures: you could be having a problem.

8.      On your first set of questions, ‘You say David did was wrong and turn around to congratulate him on finding the love of his life! What are saying? Bitter and sweet waters coming from the same spring!’

True David is scripturally in the wrong and I can’t mince words.

I congratulate him because he got his heart’s desire and if you can tune his radio programs, he is now following your example (like father, like son) and can hardly conclude a program without talking about his new found love and queen, Cindy, just like you can hardly conclude a preaching without mentioning your love, Freda Serwadda.

Bishop David is not my enemy and I wrote to him as a brother in Christ and friend unless he denies this, to let him know that though he had his way, and as you also clearly said, your role ‘was NOT to return Nassejje to David's life, NOR was it to hinder David from pursuing a new relation, it was TO CAUSE ORDER in a disturbed environment and bring peace to murky atmosphere,’ none could stop him, he still had to know that he is Biblically in error.

Do I really have to labor to explain that bitter and sweet can come from the same spring? If a child gets pregnant in pre-marital sex and delivers, though she has done wrong, prudence dictates that you congratulate her upon delivery of the new born then proceed to rebuke / counsel like I have done. If you don’t, then you prove to be irrational.

9.      On your second set of questions, ‘Because I am amazed that you are making comments on an affair that has been closed, I dare now ask: What is your objective? What would you gain if David woke up one morning and said: I am sorry. I misinterpreted Matthew 19:19 and other portions of Holy Scripture? What would that benefit him, his former wife, his new love and the rest of the family? Help David see how this corrects the impression that those like you have!

Ø  To you and those like you, the affair was closed, but to Christians like me, it has wide and lasting implications on Christian marriage especially in Uganda. It is not as easy as you think Doctor and Presiding Apostle and I wonder how a leader of your caliber can dare insensitively say it was closed.

Ø  It is not my personal objective, it is the divine objective supported by Jeremiah 8.4-13 and Apostle Paul’s life which was never ashamed of publically admitting the wrongs he had done. It also conforms to King David’s open repentance as a lesson never to justify ourselves when in the wrong, evident in 2 Samuel 11 & 12, and his inspirational composition of Psalm 51. It was entrusted to me just like the divine entrusted you to pray for those who want to prosper every Wednesday early morning at Victory Church Ndeeba, unless it was your own concoction.

Ø  If Bishop David Kiganda woke up one morning and said: I am sorry. I misinterpreted Matthew 19.9 and other portions of scripture; it would definitely not be in vain: he will gain just, and the entire Body of Christ to which, unless I am mistaken, you still belong, will gain; and to God definitely will return the glory. It would also contribute to marriage stability unless marriage stability is none of your priorities. I hope you remember Jesus’ great teaching on repentance and its benefits in Luke 15. Even the Prodigal son story context.

Ø  With you, an Apostle, pastor, Dr and leader of the Born Again Faith Federation (BAFFE) religion, and David Kiganda a Bishop, I don’t think I need to labor educating any of you about the benefits of open confession for David because they are obvious for the truly Spiritually filled and guided:

§  Foremost, two of the greatest Biblical inspirers; King David and Apostle Paul are well known for open confessions of their wrongs.

§  Secondly, the East African Revival impacted society because of open confessions.

§  Thirdly, a true Mulokole / Savedee can’t fear public confession. It wins for us trust.

§  Fourth, I hope you realize that David erred. I have done my part and insist from the deepest of my conscience that Biblically, he is in error.

Prove me wrong if you can. If you really love him you would be adding your voice to mine to enable him see things in their true perspective and repent, not to write asking such questions which do not help him at all. In-fact, such questions portray you as a strengthener for people in error. You should have better written to David and asked for his opinion about my letter to him.

You should be aware that he continues to roar on his radio, 93 Kingdom FM, justifying his remarriage and attacking those who opposed it; and in the morning show of Sunday 19 May 2013, I personally heard him denouncing me and praising Pr Robert Kayanja (against whom sodomy and sexual abuse accusations still live despite his use of the Police, DPP and judiciary to torment us and cover himself, 2009 – 2012) for his statement during the funeral of Bishop Michael Mugerwa to the effect that: It takes God more than 30 years to train a greatly anointed leader, whom people can listen to; and that He (God) just can’t shelve him even when he goes wrong.

He also used the analogy of Peter who returned to fishing immediately Christ Jesus was crucified, but was reused after the resurrection; and that it was wrong for the deceased (Mugerwa) to travel in a cheap car which couldn’t protect him during the fatal accident; and that great anointing needs protection!

I wonder what you think about God’s anointed trusting selves, fellow men and great man-made fortifications for personal protection yet Psalm 127.1 says, “Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.”

Compare it with Psalm 20.7-8, “Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the LORD our God. They are brought down and fallen: but we are risen, and stand upright.”

As a Biblical scholar, Doctor, don’t you think such errors by would-be icons of Christianity are destroying the core and fiber of Christianity? Should we just keep quiet as leaders perpetually degenerate and peddle lies!!

Finally on this, Bishop David Kiganda understands English and has discernment. There is no reason why he cannot read behind the lines. Since my letter is addressed to him, not to you, let him personally require me to show him more benefits if he is interested.

10.   On your question, ‘Why didn't you say the same to your colleague, Pastor Michael Kyazze?

My brother, I know the difference between Pr Michael Kyazze and Bishop David Kiganda. A function was held at Omega Healing Center, fine. I hope you understand that when God charged you to start the Wednesday early morning prosperity services at Victory Church Ndeeba or the lucrative Namboole Passover which you intensely advertize, He never told you to start them at Nateete play ground, Nakivubo stadium, Namirembe Christian Fellowship or your good friend Pr Robert Kayanja’s Miracle Center Cathedral. The call was specific: to start one at Victory Church Ndeeba and the lucrative Passover at Namboole.

I hope you are well aware of 2 Samuel 11 & 12 that after King David had plotted and used his Commander Joab to have Uriah Killed on the battlefield, Prophet Nathan was sent to rebuke the mastermind, King David, not Joab the lead executor. I hope you are aware that being intent on killing Uriah, had Joab declined, probably David would have plotted his death too and killed both.

In the case instant, even if Pr Kyazze had excluded himself, it would have been of no consequence because Bishop David Kiganda’s remarriage took place in Zimbabwe, far beyond his jurisdiction. In Uganda and at Omega Healing Center in particular, it was just part of the festivities and pomp: David had already breached the scriptures and remarried. 

11.    On your statement: ‘You would have done better saying what you are saying now much before so that others consider your point of view.

I hope you believe Ecclesiastes 3.1 – 8; “To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.”

There is no way I could have said what I am saying before its time. But even before, as I said earlier on, I at least opened my mouth and spoke and I am on record in several media and in particular, Saturday Vision Intimate Magazine of 2nd March 2013 (where Bishop Kiganda also featured defending his divorce and remarriage), saying, though edited, ‘To all pastors who want to follow Pastor Kiganda’s ways, they should convert to Islam where divorce and remarriage are accepted.’

But even then, Bukedde of 26 February 2013, page 2, quotes me Biblically citing the error and advising pastors who want to remarry to convert to Islam. I am certain many people must have read and understood my stand.

The reason I never came up with such a statement before is that I was never part of the mailing list and until I received the discussions from ten of the people on your mailing list who were so concerned that a bad precedent was come, I couldn’t make any move. I also had to get copies of the duly signed Christianity Focus Centre and NFBAPC letters to Apostle Alex Mitala in support of the remarriage. When I received them, I had to pray for guidance and the Lord inspired me to write whatever I wrote. Anyone is free to disregard it.

On your part, Bukedde of 26 February 2013 says about you, ‘Ye omusumba Joseph Serwadda akulira BAF Uganda naye yawandiise ng’agamba nti ensonga eno yeetaaga okusooka okwetegereza ennyo, wabula yagaanye okulaga w’asibidde.’ In simple English translation, ‘Pr Joseph Serwadda, leader of BAF also wrote saying that this matter needs careful scrutiny, but declined to specify his stand.’

Was that not cowardice. How could you have failed to direct the matter Biblically at such a time of need? Why bury your head in the sand as things go wrong? Is that not treachery?

Finally on this point, you don’t just wake up and write something that must make sense to others: you need to contemplate. It is sad you don’t understand this principle.

My point is very clear: the divorce and remarriage are both in error. You should have helped Bishop Kiganda to understand this rather than ask such useless questions or try to muzzle me.

You should have also disproved my Biblical interpretation, not merely argue about the timing of the letter. We cannot afford to have errors taken as the truths. If we do, they become precedents for others to error. I hope you understand this Presiding Apostle. If you don’t, your apostolic office should at least help you to. Put heads together with all other Apostles and Archbishops, Bishops, etc and see if you can over-rule my interpretation of Matthew 19.9 in its true context. That is the substance of the matter; not the timing of the document.

12.   On your question, ‘Why didn't you advise the team that flew to Harare and stopped them from breaking scripture?

I believe my answer in 11 above suffices.

If it doesn’t suffice, can you answer why Prophet Nathan never advised Joab against executing King David’s order contained in the letter delivered by Uriah?

Can you also answer why Prophet Nathan never advised Uriah not to deliver the written order to Joab, or to open and read its contents before delivering it?  

13.   On your assertion, ‘Sorry mate, you come late! The deed was done. The heroes and villains of the case in issue have already been named. Your scriptural expose' has been overtaken by events. Olwatta omwaami nnalumanya, tamalaako muyiiro! (Literally, when you fail to warn, don't comment).’

Doctor, I think you are not only greatly mistaken, you have missed the point. You forget the adage, ‘It is never too late to learn’ and, ‘Better late than never.’ You also forget the Biblical principle of God’s timing embedded in Ecclesiastes 3.1-8. If you haven’t learnt anything from the scriptural expose, that is very unfortunate for you.

You need to understand that the scriptural expose is not for history or Bishop David Kiganda alone; it is for the future direction of Christian marriages which many pastors are no longer much bothered about because of crave for power, pomp, popularity, possessions and privileges. Therefore, despite the events, the expose remains valid for all the married and those intending to get married till the end shall come or till scripture shall cease to be valid (if that can happen since mine is just an interpretation of scripture), and you better teach so.

If true as you assert that because of events, it is late and no longer valid, then even the Bible which we cite is no longer valid!! I hope, being a Biblical scholar at a Doctorate level, you are aware that all the contexts in which every bit of it was written are long gone and just part of history. Even the kraal where the Savior was born is no more. The Pharisees and Scribes Jesus condemned in Matthew 23 are long dead. Theophilus for whom Dr Luke wrote the Gospel according to Luke and Acts of the Apostles is no more. The Romans, Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Thessalonians, Timothy, Titus and Philemon to whom Paul wrote epistles are no more. But isn’t what was written still valid? You must be blinded to ignore the facts.

In 2 Samuel 12, Prophet Nathan would have just kept quiet, after-all, Uriah had already been killed and his message to David would not restore his (Uriah’s) life. But his action ignited David’s remorse and repentance culminating into Psalm 51, a masterpiece of repentance; and gives us direction in respect of snatching people’s spouses. We not only know how perilous it is, but how God hates it.

Furthermore, in 1 Samuel 15, when King Saul disobeyed God’s instructions to utterly destroy the Amalekites and their wealth, Prophet Samuel went and rebuked him. Are you going to ask why God had to wait till Saul had disobeyed to send Prophet Samuel to rebuke him? Would the rebuke undo the damage of disobedience? I suggest, let that be your food for thought in the case instant.

In fact, to the wise and Godly, my letter to Bishop Kiganda makes sense; to fools and hypocrites, it makes no sense just as Salvation makes no sense to them. Discern and choose where to belong.    

Finally, Doctor, your Apostleship should have enabled you to discern that I am not craving for heroism because as a matter of Christian principle, in every situation for every Christian, Biblical Scriptural authority must prevail. It cannot be replaced by mere spiritual inspirations no matter how powerful the anointed may be. I hope you are aware that when any inspiration contradicts scripture, scripture must prevail just as the constitution prevails when any law contradicts any of its clauses.

I hope when you write again, you will labor to disprove or educate me scripturally rather than wholly using your own Doctoral wisdom.

Again, thanks for your letter which has created for me this precious opportunity to clarify.

Peace and blessings.

Humbly yours in defense of true Biblical principles,

Moses Solomon Male


1 comment:

stephen said...

This is very powerful response. It must have been led by the Holy spirit. Am inspired.
