I refer to the widely publicized exhumation of Msgr Aloysius Ngobya and Sister Amadeus Byabari witnessed by among others, Bishop John Baptist Kaggwa and Bro Reginald Cruiz from the Vatican.
According to various media reports: Daily Monitor, The New Vision, The Observer and others; this is because of the many ‘miracles’ they are claimed to be performing for people who pray through them or petition them for intercession even if they are both long dead.
In its article, “How the Catholic Church tells who is in heaven,” Saturday Vision of April 7 2012 adds, ‘Once a miracle is proved, the venerable is cleared for beatification and given a new title – Blessed. Daudi Okello and Jildo Irwa of Gulu Diocese are at this stage.”
The prominence given to the process and testimonies cited leave no doubt that Catholic Church teachings encourage followers to petition not only spirits of the dead, but visit their graves when desperate for miraculous social, economic, physical health, career, protection and other breakthroughs, similar to what necromancers (witchdoctors) in shrines teach their faithful some of whom end up compelled into indulging in cold blood ritual murders.
Being at the forefront of the fight against human sacrifice, I consider this to be a very big blow to the campaign against human sacrifice because those compelled into it indulge for similar reasons: miraculous social, economic, physical health, career, protection, cleansing and other breakthroughs.
It becomes very difficult to dissuade desperate Ugandans from indulgence in human sacrifice when it is taught from within church pulpits right from the Vatican, by learned and spiritually knowledgeable men of God that the dead, when invoked, can perform miracles. Apparently, since a desperate person’s ability to think, reason, understand, perceive and remember to make rational decisions is greatly impaired; divine intervention through the dead, no matter what it takes, even if it requires murdering or exhuming the dead and removing their parts becomes inevitable.
What the Catholic Church apparently indulges in; exhuming the dead, invoking their spirits for intercession, etc amounts to necromancy, wizardry or medium which is Biblically condemned.
Acts 4.8-12 says: “Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them: ‘Rulers and elders of the people! If we are being called to account today for an act of kindness shown to a man who was lame and are being asked how he was healed, then know this, you and all the people of Israel: It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified but whom God raised from the dead, that this man stands before you healed. Jesus is ‘the stone you builders rejected which has become the cornerstone.’ Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.’”
The first Catholic Pope, Apostle (Saint) Peter must be taken seriously. Invoking the dead is a vanity.
Furthermore, while in Leviticus 19.31, God forbids contact with necromancers; in Isaiah 8.19 He forbids consulting the dead and in Deuteronomy 18.10-12, He forbids necromancers.
Though in 1 Samuel 28.3-25, King Saul consulted a medium in Endor who called up the dead Prophet Samuel’s spirit, it couldn’t change his fate. Therefore, consulting spirits of the dead, be it Msgr Ngobya is a vanity, and it is tragic that the Catholic Church does not only indulge but greatly publicizes it leaving the desperate no alternative but indulge even in murders when compelled by witchdoctors in shrines.
Therefore, let the Catholic Church arise and stop this practice so as to have moral authority to fight ritual murders, or humbly accept responsibility for increased human sacrifices in Uganda.
We need to change people’s mindsets of belief in necromancy if we are to succeed in fighting ritual murders / human sacrifice responsible for many gruesome murders especially of children.